Our Music

Joy of Salvation

One of the ways we recognize how desperately in need of a savior we are is to acknowledge our sin. To come to grips with all the little ways we deceive ourselves into “i’m not really that bad”. The truth is we all rebel against our Lord. On the other side of that acknowledgment is a heart filled with joy in our salvation, a salvation only provided by Jesus Christ.

Psalm 51


God is set apart from us. Ritual and reverent practices and guidelines were given to His people as a constant reminder that God is so good and pure, that we weren’t able to enter the holy of holies. Because of Jesus, our interaction with God changes from separated and unworthy to unified and clothed in righteousness.

Exodus 34:6, 29-30, Psalm 65

My Maker

Our God is so big, beyond what we can fully fathom. He spoke and with His word created everything in the universe. If creating everything around us wasn’t enough for us to be in awe, He offers us a hope and a relationship with the triune God through His son Jesus.

Psalm 149:1-2, Psalm 8:3-4


Despite our situations and circumstances, Jesus has already defeated darkness and evil. As believers and followers of Christ, we can claim that victory that Jesus freely gives us and live a life that declares who He is.

Isaiah 45, Psalm 27